Design & Learning
Case Studies
Part II of the book has 8 professional and applied research case studies from the USA, Finland, Australia and Mexico.
These case study links invite you to explore the practices in the world.
Making Space Case Study: Dion Tuckwell and Fiona Young
Transformation Narratives
The following stories are snippets from three of the book’s twelve auto-ethnographic narratives. These excerpts from the close readings of my lived experience interrogate transformative stories that forever changed my mental models of learning and design practice.
Relational Learning: Belonging & Play
Design Rounds Colloquium
Using the concept of medical rounds as an analogous space for learning, Design Rounds was an event conceived so expert practitioners could move from project to project (like patient to patient) to learn by being in conversation with each others’ practice.
These Practice Vignettes introduce the workshop an international guest hosted at the weeklong event hosted by the Department of Design at Monash University. Each workshop presents a project dedicated to exploring the contribution of design to Transformative Learning.
You can download the encounters to try them out and further read the practitioners’ insights of the Design Rounds experience.